How to Construct Scales and Chords
What are the intervals?
- Intervals in music refer to the distance in pitch between two notes.
- Here is the sequence of intervals: Root note (the starting note of the scale or chord), minor second, major second, minor third, major third, perfect fourth, flat five (b5), perfect fifth, minor sixth, major sixth, minor seventh, and major seventh. After this sequence, the same note appears again, one octave higher.
- Octave: An octave is a series of eight notes within a scale that spans the interval between two of the same notes, either twice or half the frequency of the other, depending on whether it is higher or lower in pitch. For example, moving from E to the next higher E or from E through F-G-A-B-C-D-E represents one octave.
how to construct the major scale?
- The major scale consists of seven notes: the root note, major 2nd, major 3rd, perfect 4th, perfect 5th, major 6th, and major 7th.
- For example, the E major scale consists of E (root note), F# (major 2nd), G# (major 3rd), A (perfect 4th), B (perfect 5th), C# (major 6th), and D# (major 7th).
- A good exercise is to write down and figure out the notes in other major scales, such as A major, G major, C major, and D major.
the TAB for E major scale on the E string and different strings

How to construct major chord?
- A major chord consists of the root note, the major 3rd, and the perfect 5th.
- For example, the E major chord consists of E (root note), G# (major 3rd), and B (perfect 5th).
- A good exercise is to write down and determine the notes of other major chords, such as A major, G major, C major, and D major.
How to construct minor chord?
- A minor chord consists of the root note, the minor 3rd, and the perfect 5th.
- For example, the E minor chord consists of E (root note), G (minor 3rd), and B (perfect 5th).
- A good exercise is to write down and determine the notes of other minor chords, such as A minor, G minor, C minor, and D minor.
learn how to construct scales and chords
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